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Personal Finance

5 Ways To Avoid Peer Pressure In Our Personal Finances

Keeping up with the Jones can have a serious impact on our personal finances. We like what we like, but we also want what our friends like. Financial peer pressure is painful when a friend persuades you to spend more than you have. It isn’t always shopping, but trips to movies, eating out, and going to clubs that keep our wallet in a tailspin. We have to decide to spend less and never utilize credit cards to keep up with social status. It’s hard to stay home when everyone you … Continue reading

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4 Tips to Dodge Credit Card Mishaps

Dodge ball is a popular playground activity. At a young age, we learn to watch the player with the ball. There is a competitive skill in watching the thrower select a target, take aim, and throw. The good players know when the ball is coming their way and step away as quickly as they can. The players who get hit with the ball, (you know the ones who are always out first in the game), either don’t pay attention to the ball, lose focus in the high-speed game or simply … Continue reading

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Break habits that put your personal finances at risk

Structure Your Personal Finances to Break Bad Habits

How can you structure your personal finances in order to prevent any more debt build up? We live in the land of consumer freedom. We have everything at our fingertips and plenty of ways to make it happen; buy online, home-delivered goods, extended payment plans, immediate credit opportunities and fast cash loans. Each day brings new spending opportunities on top of what we had the day before. We live in a never ending spending opportunity world. Most of us got lost and forgot what it is like to go without. … Continue reading

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pay your debt

5 Ways Your Finances Can Benefit From Credit Card Use

Credit cards will claim the demise of many household finances with long-term debt to plague family budgets. The cards are easy to use and difficult to manage. Some people give up using the cards in order to maintain a good budget. This action hurts their credit score in return. People need to learn how to use credit cards to their advantage without suffering from money loss or lowered credit scores. If they are so difficult to manage, why are credit cards good to have? 1. Revolving credit differs from installment … Continue reading

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Don't let payday loan use trap your budget

Is Your Secret Payday Loan Use Hurting Your Finances?

Secrecy is one of the biggest issues behind payday loan usury problems. Whether money troubles stem from overspending or neglect, a budget that demands any type of reliance on short-term loans will create problems. When secret use is involved, it is natural to hide negative results. Unfortunately, when it comes to money, secrets compound with monetary loss. With every payday loan, there are fees, budget stresses and a debt trap ready to catch someone’s fall. Overspending. Shopaholics, emotional spenders or those trying to keep up with the Jones next door … Continue reading

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Gat a payday loan when you need fast cash

Do Cash Advance Lenders Follow The CARD Act Amendment?

Even though many households swim in credit card debt, unemployed spouses may once again obtain new lines of credit. In 2009, creditors lost their right to approve credit cards to stay at home spouses. The CARD Act was amended that year to block creditors from issuing cards to those with limited or no income. Third party income was no longer used to support debt. The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act (CARD Act) amendment made sense. With so much debt filling the homes of Americans, why set people up to obtain … Continue reading

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Will budget transfers help?

Will Credit Card BalanceTransfers Save Money In The End?

Balance transfers are often used as a strategy to get out of debt quicker. Move a balance from one account to another for a lower rate is a popular marketing strategy. It lures in new customers. Credit challenged households eagerly hope for an offer in their mailbox. They can’t find relief with alternative payroll or title loans but will the transfer ease money problems? Creditors mail introductory offers by the masses. The offer gives the recipient an opportunity to apply not a promise for approval. There are several introductory rates … Continue reading

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Financial problems cannot rely on a fast cash advance

What Can Family Members Do to Help Financial Problems?

Have you bailed a family member out of financial problems again? When do you decide that enough is enough? The reasons behind the debt troubles would probably be the deciding factor for most people. If your generosity is enabling bad money behavior, it would make lots of sense to back away as their money solution. If you are helping someone who lost their job or needs more medical attention than they can afford, you are an angel in their lives. Bad money behavior does not make a person bad, but … Continue reading

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