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Tag Archives: personal finances

Rewards Program Or Debt Traps?

We’ve all heard the reason, ‘debt-traps,’ the phrase is often used as an excuse for someone being debt and a budget that’s out of control. These traps are frustrating, destructive, and are often harder than quicksand to escape. The most challenging task in trying to put an end to these problems, but the first step is admitting to being part of the problem. A debt-trap begins with the consumer who overuses or even abuses third party money. Companies make it easy with enticing offers, but we learn to say no. … Continue reading

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payday loan for shopping

7 Discussion Points to Address Budget Change with a Spendaholic

How do you go about changing a spendaholic’s ways? If you have come to realize how money habits are negatively affecting the household budget, the biggest hurdle is over. Acceptance is a difficult part of the task to improve money matters. If it is your partner’s bad habits that are creating a problem, the problem is much bigger. It will take thought and good communication skills to get over the first hurdle; get your partner to accept that there is a problem. No one wants to be told what to … Continue reading

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Break habits that put your personal finances at risk

Structure Your Personal Finances to Break Bad Habits

How can you structure your personal finances in order to prevent any more debt build up? We live in the land of consumer freedom. We have everything at our fingertips and plenty of ways to make it happen; buy online, home-delivered goods, extended payment plans, immediate credit opportunities and fast cash loans. Each day brings new spending opportunities on top of what we had the day before. We live in a never ending spending opportunity world. Most of us got lost and forgot what it is like to go without. … Continue reading

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