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Tag Archives: low cost cash advance

Why take cash advances?

What Would Come Out In An Open Discussion About Cash Advances?

Are you for or against online cash advances as a financial option when money matters tough? It would be interesting to see a live poll taken. A questionnaire could be sent out asking personal opinions of these short-term loans. It would be taken by a research group that is not backed by a lender or by one of the many opposition groups. We would want the cold, hard facts. In addition, we could create a forum where both sides can talk about their experiences or prior knowledge of what a truly responsible … Continue reading

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payday loan for shopping

A Woman Plus A Cash Advance Does Not Equal New Shoes

A PEW study showed that women are more likely to obtain a cash advance than their men counterparts. PEW is a nonpartisan research center that surveys the public on a variety of issues and topics. First impressions would get a reader to believe that the shopping habits of a woman are what promotes the need for short-term loans. I’m sure that shopping could be one of the leading problem areas for women in many instances. But not all men like football, and not all women like to shop. Why Else Does … Continue reading

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online payday loan lender teach young adults about finances

PEW’s In-Depth Look Into Why’s and How’s Of Cash Advances

The PEW Charitable Trusts’ continued study on cash advances and payday loans offers much insight into these short-term financial options. PEW Research Center is a nonpartisan group that informs the public on various trends around the world. This particular study examined who applies for the loans. It discusses how these types of loans help and/or hurt customers. The study’s results present important data concerning gender, race, income level, and demographic roles concerning the short-term loan industry. The second part of this study focuses on answering questions about why borrowers choose to use … Continue reading

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pay your debt

Manage Debt Online and Pay Your Cash Advance Loan Off First

“Honey, do you know any sites that will help pay off my student loan debt?” This question was asked by a girlfriend to her boyfriend one day. The boyfriend’s answer, “NO, but maybe I will make one.” So the man and his best friend went along their merry way and developed one of the latest leading websites focused on managing debt to pay off student debt. So far, the results have been over $30 million of debt from users paid off and testimonials of real people now debt-free from their … Continue reading

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payday loans online

Learn From Cash Advance and Debt Errors

Don’t get yourself tangled with too much cash advance debt. The young generation has fallen into some financial errors that keep them in debt. They struggle to start life on the right foot and it’s hard to recover. Besides the overuse of credit cards and a cash advance, many will have student loan debt to burden their starter income. It’s no wonder that young people remain living with their parents for more extended periods. Cash Advance Money Distractions Let’s blame it on third party money; at least, it will feel … Continue reading

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payday loan online

Online Cash Advance Loans: Hold A Garage Sale To Help With Payoff

If you find yourself looking up online cash advance loans in the search engine, will you consider selling unused clothes, toys, and household items instead? As much of a hassle it is to have to clean out your closet, wouldn’t it be cheaper to obtain some fast cash? Unfortunately, if you need the money tomorrow, a yard sale would not help. If the emergency can wait until the weekend is over, you may find yourself not having to take out the loan. Maybe the sale doesn’t earn the few hundred dollars needed … Continue reading

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finding an online payday loan

Online Payday Loan: Know The Process

There is always going to be a certain risk when you are looking to get a loan, meaning that there is going to be some risk involved in getting a fast online payday loan. Loans are always going to have some strings attached, and a lot of small print that needs to be read. With that said, there are various degrees as to which a loan is going to be risky. While you may never be able to limit the entire risk when it comes to a loan, there are … Continue reading

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cash advance online is fast money

Cash Advance Online Loans Rescue Emergency Costs

Getting a quick cash advance online is not something that you should make a habit of. It is not something that you should do every month, or when you simply want to buy something that you don’t have the money for. While it is nice to know that it is out there when you need it, a fast cash advance should be a last resort. It is for when you have had unexpected emergencies in your life and you are looking for ways to keep on track with your finances. … Continue reading

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Low Fee Cash Advance Use To Prevent Missed Payments Is Helpful

Why are you seeking best low fee cash advances? Is it because you are too deep in credit card debt? Is it because you had an unforeseen cash emergency fall upon you and your credit limits are already spent? A good thing to remember is that not all debt is bad. If you focus how you spend your hard-earned money and if there is any investment productivity coming out of it, you will be able to pay close attention to the money which needs to be paid back quickly. Some … Continue reading

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How do I get a cash advance with no job?

Thinking About A Cash Advance or Bank Loan? Are You Worthy?

If I asked you to describe the Four C’s what comes to mind? I bet you won’t be thinking about a cash advance, a credit union, credit cards or credit report. I believe that the majority of people will instantly think of diamonds. Typically, the Four Cs define the categories in which this precious stone is described: cut, color, clarity, and carat. Are You Credit Worthy With A Cash Advance? This blog is not about a valuable stone, but rather your creditworthiness – how a financial institution views your financial make-up. … Continue reading

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