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Tag Archives: cash advance loans

cash advance

Cash Advance – It’s Easy As 1-2-3

Can getting a cash advance be any easier than a three-step process? I doubt it, but if it can, the cash advance industry is working on it! Why only three steps? Well, three is a great number, which gives just enough for a beginning, a middle, and an end. Who doesn’t like a story with a happy ending? A happy ending comes to many with an online cash advance when they receive much needed fast cash. An emergency financial solution is on its way. Step 1 of an online cash … Continue reading

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Finding A Cash Advance Online May Not Solve The Problem

Is a cash advance online an appropriate solution to your financial problem? Is the amount of money needed to solve the problem larger than what a cash advance online can provide for you? Before you answer those questions, you have to have a good handle on your financial situation. You have to be honest and not sugar coat if you do have bills making you drown in debt.  Assess the Root of Your Financial Problem What is the cause of your budget problems and keeping up with payments? Here are some reasons … Continue reading

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Cash Advance Rates Do Vary

Finding the best possible rates for a cash advance will take some effort on a borrower’s part. Most credit cards will offer a portion of the available balance as access to fast cash. As simple as it sounds, there are some drawbacks to a credit card cash advance. Take An Credit Card Cash Advance Inventory First off, you will need to have credit cards that are not tapped out. You cannot borrow from a credit card if the card is already at its maximum. Depending on how much money you need right … Continue reading

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Online Cash Advances From Responsible Lenders

Online Cash Advances do help when you are in need for some fast money. Many good people who go through money struggles end up paying for them for seven years. That is the timeline for bad marks to fall off of your credit history. During this time, it can be a struggle to get an increased credit limit on a credit card without risking a rise in your interest. Adding to your debt to income ratio ( which is one-third of your credit score) will also cause future lending problems. … Continue reading

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Why take cash advances?

What Would Come Out In An Open Discussion About Cash Advances?

Are you for or against online cash advances as a financial option when money matters tough? It would be interesting to see a live poll taken. A questionnaire could be sent out asking personal opinions of these short-term loans. It would be taken by a research group that is not backed by a lender or by one of the many opposition groups. We would want the cold, hard facts. In addition, we could create a forum where both sides can talk about their experiences or prior knowledge of what a truly responsible … Continue reading

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payday loan for shopping

A Woman Plus A Cash Advance Does Not Equal New Shoes

A PEW study showed that women are more likely to obtain a cash advance than their men counterparts. PEW is a nonpartisan research center that surveys the public on a variety of issues and topics. First impressions would get a reader to believe that the shopping habits of a woman are what promotes the need for short-term loans. I’m sure that shopping could be one of the leading problem areas for women in many instances. But not all men like football, and not all women like to shop. Why Else Does … Continue reading

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online payday loan lender teach young adults about finances

PEW’s In-Depth Look Into Why’s and How’s Of Cash Advances

The PEW Charitable Trusts’ continued study on cash advances and payday loans offers much insight into these short-term financial options. PEW Research Center is a nonpartisan group that informs the public on various trends around the world. This particular study examined who applies for the loans. It discusses how these types of loans help and/or hurt customers. The study’s results present important data concerning gender, race, income level, and demographic roles concerning the short-term loan industry. The second part of this study focuses on answering questions about why borrowers choose to use … Continue reading

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pay your debt

Manage Debt Online and Pay Your Cash Advance Loan Off First

“Honey, do you know any sites that will help pay off my student loan debt?” This question was asked by a girlfriend to her boyfriend one day. The boyfriend’s answer, “NO, but maybe I will make one.” So the man and his best friend went along their merry way and developed one of the latest leading websites focused on managing debt to pay off student debt. So far, the results have been over $30 million of debt from users paid off and testimonials of real people now debt-free from their … Continue reading

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Learn From Cash Advance and Debt Errors

Don’t get yourself tangled with too much cash advance debt. The young generation has fallen into some financial errors that keep them in debt. They struggle to start life on the right foot and it’s hard to recover. Besides the overuse of credit cards and a cash advance, many will have student loan debt to burden their starter income. It’s no wonder that young people remain living with their parents for more extended periods. Cash Advance Money Distractions Let’s blame it on third party money; at least, it will feel … Continue reading

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Best Cash Advance: Make Payments A Priority In Debt Management

You had filled out best cash advance applications for fast cash and have maxed out credit cards. As a result, here’s the battle. Numerous attempts have been made to manage that debt. Similarly, there is also the shuffling of debt from one account to another to prolong the inevitable payment. The time was going to come, but you were just trying to delay it. Were you hoping that you would get lucky sometime soon and land some unexpected money? Unfortunately, the time has not come yet. What to do? Best … Continue reading

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