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Debt Increase: Overview Of The Problem

Americans are fighting with debt and the outlook does not look like it will present itself with instant relief for those people. Jobs are becoming increasingly harder to come by as a greater number of people enter the work force than there are new job openings. During the month of April, mortgage servicers reported that over 63,000 loans, which are backed by the Federal Housing Administration, had foreclosure proceedings started against them. These  fallen loans are those that had been funded during  2008 and 2009. It is uncertain whether or not it is a beginning of … Continue reading

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Where Are You Taking Spot?

We started a new contest on  last Monday.  Print out a picture of Spot from our Sweepstakes web page and capture a photo of you and Spot doing something fun! So what are your weekend plans? Are you going to take Spot along? Spot loves a good time. Make it unique and fun and be in the running for an Ipad2 or $500 visa card. You will need to upload that photo on the sweepstakes entry form. Pretty simple to do and the prize will make it so well worth a few … Continue reading

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New Contest Starts Today!

We have now started our next contest, “Site Seeing with Spot”! This contest starts today February 13, 2012 and the winner will be announced  on March 13, 2012. We will have images of Spot, the Spotya  mascot available to print out for you on our Sweepstakes web page. You can take that printed image  on a trip or doing something fun and have a picture taken of you doing it with Spot. You will submit that picture of you and Spot through our sweepstakes sign up form. We will accept … Continue reading

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A Letter From Our Winner!

We are so excited when we hear from our winners and we want to share it with all of our readers. If you haven’t seen the video of the drawing, you can still check it out on Spotya! TV. Here is what January’s winner, Rosenda M, has to say: “Wow! Thanks so much for this! It couldn’t have come at a better time. I was actually thinking about taking a trip to see a friend of mine I hadn’t seen in awhile, and I *also* needed to buy a new … Continue reading

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And the Winner IS…….

A BIG Congratulations to Rosenda M. from Texas, our “Holiday Blues Buster” $500 Sweepstakes winner! Check out the video of our live drawing found on Spotya!TV. We also would like to thank all of you that have engaged with us on our Facebook Page. We announced the Top 3 fans from our leader board. First Place received: $50   Second Place: $25   3rd Place – 23rd: each will get a $10 Starbucks card. Those winners can check if they made it to one of the top spots and email or call us with … Continue reading

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Sweepstakes Drawing SOOOON!

Here’s your last chance to sign up for the January “Holiday Blues Buster” $500 giveaway! Head over to the Spotya! website or visit our Facebook page and sign up by tomorrow. The drawing will be held live over Spotya!TV. Watch us as we find out who will join our Winner’s page with December’s winner Loree C. Our Facebook fans have today and tomorrow to rack up their Top Fans points. Reminder to those who fall into the TOP 22, you will need to email your mailing address to or give … Continue reading

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A Letter from December’s Winner

We heard back from our December’s $500 Sweepstakes winner! Spotya! would like to share this letter with you, reminding you that you have till  January 31st to sign up for “Holiday Blues Buster” Giveaway. You could be the next winner! “hello, just wanted to up date everyone and say thank you again orde would not have been able to do this with you!!!! r my glasses they will be here about the 27th got my theeth cleaned and got x-rays and need one tooth filled  made appointment for the 30th … Continue reading

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Still Have Time to Sign Up for the Sweepstakes

Here’s a friendly reminder to all our blog readers that we are about half way through our “Holiday Blues Buster” Giveaway campaign. Have you signed up yet? Spotya! Payday Loans is once again going to be giving away $500. Signing up is effortless. Go to our Sweepstakes page and click on the banner. You can also sign up through Facebook. Have  you come to our page and clicked the “like” button yet? Give it a whirl! You will be able to sign up for the giveaway from there as well. … Continue reading

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1 Month Paycycle Loans: How They Work

Although you may be a good money manager, living from one pay check to another almost promises at some point you will find yourself short of cash. What happens if your rainy day savings have already been drained? What solutions can you consider? What if I am not paid again until 3 weeks from now? You’ve probably heard of short term payday loans, but you might be weary of the amount in interest it would cost you if you are paid once a month. Fortunately, you can always rely on … Continue reading

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Food Labels

You hear it all the time, but do we really spend the time to do it? I’ve been trying to eat more healthy, lose a couple pounds. I’ve been eating Yoplait yogurt in lieu of the breakfast sandwiches and bread. I was eating at my desk the other day when someone walked in and said, “I had the same breakfast as you, yogurt and a banana.” He continues to tell me that the yogurt I had contains a lot of sugar. I looked. He was right. 27 or 36 grams … Continue reading

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