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Needing a New Vacuum?

Vacuums are expensive, and when the one my mom gave to me for my first apartment bit the dust, I had to look for a new one. I wish I knew then what I know now, I would have saved a whole lot of money.

Basically what I did was go and get an inexpensive model because I couldn’t afford the others. The bad part in that is that about a month or two after the basis warranty was over, it died and I had to go find another one. I did this for a few years til I realized something was wrong. Along with the hassle of replacing them so often, is that the more inexpensive models just didn’t do a good enough job picking up the cat hair. Had I known, I could have taken out a payday loan to get me a better vacuum.

Now that I am older and wiser, I have learned to not waste my money on brands that have no history of quality operation. Yes, it may cost you a bit more in the beginning, but the money you will save in the long run will be appreciated by your budget and your rugs. There is nothing sweeter then the sound of a vacuum picking up all the dirt and dust from deep down in your rugs.

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