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Tag Archives: best payday lender

Are you your child's payday loan direct lender?

Payday Loan Direct Lender Approach: Teach Your Children About Money

How many discussions have you had with your children about money? Besides telling youngsters ‘no’ are there any other conversations concerning finances? If you are always talking negatively about money, there is a message being carried over to your children. Money needs to be respected. Appreciate what it gives you, be thankful you have it and don’t take advantage of it as cash is not a rite of passage. Any of these messages may be a shocker to teenagers, but it is important that the value of earning money represents … Continue reading

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Payday loans direct lender will help small bills

Payday Lender Rates: Find The Best Ones and Save

Did you look for a  best payday lender when applying for a fast cash advance? Do you even know what to look for? Many people will apply with the first company they find and then continue to use the same company for repeat loans. The average short-term loan user will take out 5-8 loans throughout the year. If the direct lender does not offer the competitive rates, the interest fees will make paying off the loan that much more costly. Payday lender rates are not all the same. Unlike banks and … Continue reading

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Payday Lender News: Who Is The Responsible Party?

Is one type of best payday lender better than the other? There are storefront and online direct lenders who service fast cash loans to those who qualify. How the loans are processed differ in that one is done face to face, while the other performs all operations over the Internet. A storefront service will need to obtain a post-dated check to be deposited on the payoff due date, while an online lender uses electronic fund transfers. I read an article today which grouped all lenders together as the reporter slammed … Continue reading

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