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Fish Tampering

We made it to the end of the food fraud series. Part 8 is dedicated to the concern with fish fraud. Besides being a tongue twister, fish fraud is about selling less expensive fillets labeled as higher priced fish. Farmed fish being sold as wild, selling a molded fish to pass off as scallops. Creative, but still fraud. The Journal of Food Sciences reports that faux fish is the top food fraud in media studies and other public records.

Consumer Reports did a study that showed tilefish being represented as grouper. The scary part of this finding is that tilefish has enough mercury in it to be on the FDA’s list of foods not to be eaten by pregnant women and young children. It is much harder to fake a whole fish, so when you can buy your fish whole.

Spotya! Payday Loans hopes you have learned the importance of label reading and spending money from a trusted source. When you know a product or service is safe, dependable and it works, keep it! Sometimes saving money is not a bargain, so educate yourself to all the possibilities.


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