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Changing Times

I remember the days when I carried my checkbook in my purse, had one credit card that I saved for emergencies, and cashed my paycheck at the bank myself. Today, my check book is rarely used, I have multiple credit cards for multiple reasons and I don’t ever see the money go into the bank.

I miss balancing my checkbook. It was my way of controlling my spending. Write a check and deduct the amount. There is some reassurance in knowing your balance to the exact penny. Eventually,  I got caught up in a credit card phase of life where I would spend only on a charge card to earn the rewards. The idea was to  pay it off at the end of the month, but I fell into the trap of overspending … just because I could. I fought the urges, really I did, but there was always some purchase calling out my name. So now I try to use my debit card like my check book where my everyday essentials still get paid from the checking account. For me, this is the best way I can keep track of my daily spending.

Budgeting is tough and the choices one makes is ultimately the deciding factor as to whether or not budgets will work. You can’t control all spending. Sometimes emergencies happen and cars or plumbing repairs need to be done. Cash Advances work well for these times. Borrow only the money you need, cut down on the extras and pay it off with the next paycheck. I like having options. When my money is gone before I earn it, month after month, I know I have made an error somewhere. Short term solutions work well to keep on top of your finances. Positive solutions for positive results.

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