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A Cash Advance Will Pay The Bill, But You Need To Stop The “Cramming”

Low cost cash advances will come in handy to help with unexpected costs, but keeping track of your finances is the better way to protect your budget. It isn’t always about how much you spend, but also looking for errors on creditor’s parts. Sometimes it is not an error, but some company “cramming” your bill with costs for services you never asked for. These types of additional costs will show up on your cell phone bill and you will need to pay close attention each month to the items and services you are being charged for.

“Cramming” occurs when a provider other than the phone provider supplies a ring tone, or sport score updates. Some people get weather updates, horoscopes or other unwanted services. Sometimes these services attach themselves to your bill just because you landed on their website. These fees could end up being just under $10.00 in which your phone company will receive a small percentage of the revenue. Landline phone services can still get “cramming” but the fess will show up under miscellaneous or enhanced services sections. Many times, the charges will continue to be a part of your bill until you notice them and call your phone company to cancel. If you catch it fairly quickly, you may even get credited for a previous charge.

There are three major phone companies, AT&T, Verizon and CenturyLink who have agreed to end most of the third party billing by the end of 2012. There are ways for individuals to take a proactive approach to stop “cramming”.

Call your phone company to stop third parties from placing charges on your phone bill, both landline and cell phone. Go through your bill with a customer representative and find out line by line what each charge is for your particular phone service. Doing so will help you recognize when foreign charges are charged. New charges could show up as membership, calling plans, service charges or other fees.

Avoid signing up for contests online via your cell phone, accepting collect calls from people you do not know and stay away from 900 numbers. These are all ways that “cramming” begins from outside vendors.

Will low cost cash advance help or can you solve your money problem another way?

It is difficult to keep up with some costs which are more difficult to control. Summertime will increase the electric and often water bill from air conditioners or pools. Keeping unwarranted costs down will help you with the overflow. Planning ahead is a great solution to seasonal charges. Keeping track of your actual bill costs will help you from paying costs unjustly. Having a savings account is the best low cost cash advance you can get when the demand for your money spikes rapidly. Yes, a direct cash advance lender could help solve those short-term demands, but they are not an answer for everyone.

Set up your budget, inspect the bills as they come in, and plan for those times when costs get a bit out of hand. A savings account is the best buffer for your financial success.

Watch the A Cash Advance Will Pay The Bill, But You Need To Stop The “Cramming” Video.


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