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California Coastal Cleanup Day is Coming!

Put this on your calender today.

One month from yesterday, September 20, is California Coastal Cleanup Day. It only takes 3 hours this day, from 9am to noon. If you’re interested and want to register, check this If you can’t make this date, here’s some information ( that you may need to volunteer at another date. Help out any way you can.

Some information and 2007 statistics on

Last year’s event in San Diego County, 6,212 dedicated volunteers removed 94,758 pounds of trash and recyclables from our local waterways in just three hours. California Coastal Cleanup Day is a major part of the Ocean Conservancy�s International Coastal Cleanup, which included 378,000 volunteers from 76 countries and 45 states last year. These dedicated volunteers, including volunteers from San Diego, removed six million pounds of trash from oceans and waterways all over the world and recorded every piece of trash collected.

See you there!

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