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Tag Archives: payday lender help

Direct lender payday loans can't stop the leak

Direct Lender Payday Loans Are No Small Budget Leak

When there isn’t enough money to make regularly scheduled payments trouble is brewing in the budget. Has there been a slow money leak towards unbudgeted expenses or have there been multiple emergencies which drained the account? It is important to find out where your money goes each month, intentional or not. The better you are at organizing payments and being accountable for everyday spending, the less chance of surprise money disasters. How you handle the problems will also affect your future months. How many expenses do you rely on credit … Continue reading

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payday lender lessons for teenagers

Payday Lenders Charge Why Don’t Parents?

When there are teenagers in the house, money is often a dominant topic in the house. These young adults are usually either looking for a handout an advance on their allowance. You may respond with one of the quick snippets your own mother used to say or simply give in. Careful how you handle situations like these as well as other money matters as your teenager learns about money via your management. You can respond with a flat out ‘no’, give them the money, or let them know that similar … Continue reading

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